The Food and Nutrition Services Department "Champ’s Cafe" Team is dedicated to serving well-balanced nutritious meals for all our students to refuel for learning. Serving over 4,000 breakfasts and 10,000 lunches daily, more than 1,900,000 meals are served annually making the Champ’s Cafe Team the largest restaurant chain in Charlotte County. Staff safely prepare and serve healthy USDA meals to meet the nutritional needs of our students at our 20 Champ’s Café sites. All schools serve both breakfast and lunch for free to all students as part of the USDA’s Community Eligibility Program or CEP. All 20 schools have a Team Nutrition group comprised of students who provide feedback to the Champ’s Café manager, test new products, learn about food safety and how meals are produced in a commercial kitchen.
Contact Info
Bill Seibert, Director
941-575-5400 Ext. 1405
The Maintenance and Operations Department is comprised of several sub-departments and is responsible for maintaining our school facilities and equipment. The M&O team maintains approximately 3,206,171 square feet of educational facilities and 503 acres. The construction team has been tasked with remodeling, renovations and new construction. This extraordinary team has completed over $434,777,387.63 in projects since 2000. Printing services for the District are provided by the Print Shop which averages over 12,000,000 impressions annually. The M&O team is also responsible for our energy management program. Our energy team, with the help of each and every staff and student in our district, has reduced our utility costs by $20,131,882 in the first fourteen years of the program. The District is an ENERGY STAR Partner and has been awarded seventy-one (71) ENERGY STAR plaques for energy efficiency by the Department of Environmental Protection (EPA). Eight schools and two ancillary buildings have been recognized by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) for their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
Contact Info
Trey Jayne, Director
941-575-5400 Ext. 1306
Printing Services (Print Shop)
The Maintenance & Operations Printing services for the District are provided by the Print Shop which averages 12,000,000 impressions annually.
The Transportation Department’s mission: “To ensure that each Charlotte County Public School student eligible for transportation is positive and ready to succeed by providing safe, equitable, and on-time transportation services.” While the number of buses varies daily, on average 89 buses travel more than 1,906,200 miles annually. On any given day, 5,756 students are transported to and from school, making more than 1602 stops every morning and 1619 stops every afternoon. The Transportation team is also responsible for ensuring that the entire fleet of school buses, maintenance, and service vehicles, utility trailers, district passenger vehicles, emergency generators, and grounds maintenance equipment are inspected regularly, maintained, and running smoothly. Student success begins and ends each day with our buses!
Contact Info
Tony Conte, Director
941-575-5425 (Fax)