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Charlotte County Public Schools

Out of Field Teachers

Out-of-Field Teacher Lists

  • First Name School Subject(s) out of Field Year
    Glenn Charlotte Harbor Math, Social Science 2024-2025
    Sheyna Charlotte Harbor PreK/Primary 2024-2025
    Adrienne Charlotte Harbor Math 2024-2025
    Travis Charlotte Harbor Math 6-12 2024-2025
    Patricia Charlotte Harbor Reading, English 6-12 2024-2025
    Daniel Charlotte Harbor PreK/Primary 2024-2025
    Erik Charlotte Harbor Reading, ESE, Elementary Ed, MG subjects 2024-2025
    Jennifer Charlotte Harbor Math 2024-2025
    Kenneth Charlotte Harbor MG Math, MG English, MG Gen Sci 2024-2025
    Jamie Charlotte Harbor Math 6-12 MG English 2024-2025
    William Charlotte Harbor MG Math, MG English, MG Gen Sci 2024-2025
    Heidi Charlotte Harbor PreK/Primary 2024-2025
    Andrea Charlotte Harbor Social Science 6-12 2024-2025
    Gina Charlotte High School Biology 2024-2025
    John Charlotte High School Commercial Art 2024-2025
    Heather Charlotte High School English 6-12 2024-2025
    Kristine Charlotte High School English 6-12, Reading , ESOL 2024-2025
    Malachi Charlotte High School Math 6-12 2024-2025
    Kimberly Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Nikole Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Briana Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Sarah Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Leslie Deep Creek Reading 2024-2025
    William Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Shelby Deep Creek ESOL 2024-2025
    Hadley East Elementary Reading 2024-2025
    Sarah East Elementary Reading 2024-2025
    Gabrielle East Elementary Reading 2024-2025
    Tracey East Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Mary East Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Leanne East Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Camille East Elementary ESOL, Reading 2024-2025
    Kemiesha East Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Heather East Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Pauline Kingsway Elementary ESOL, Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Zachary Kingsway Elementary PreK Disabilities 2024-2025
    Destiney Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Nina Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Olivia Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Briana Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Marie Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Nicole Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Kennerly Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Martha Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Nicolin Kingsway Elementary ESOL, Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Camille Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Arabelle LA Ainger Social Science 2024-2025
    Fawn LA Ainger Social Science 2024-2025
    Shawntel LA Ainger VOC CERT 2024-2025
    Dawn LA Ainger Gifted endorsement 2024-2025
    Cindy LA Ainger Math 2024-2025
    Jennifer LA Ainger MG Core subjects 2024-2025
    William LA Ainger MG Math 2024-2025
    Jennifer LA Ainger Business Ed 2024-2025
    Clinton LA Ainger Gifted endorsement 2024-2025
    Mollie LA Ainger Business Ed 2024-2025
    Courtney LA Ainger Gifted endorsement , Business 2024-2025
    Joseph LA Ainger Gifted endorsement 2024-2025
    Van LA Ainger ESOL 2024-2025
    Ashley Lemon Bay High School ESOL 2024-2025
    Michelle Lemon Bay High School Math 6-12 2024-2025
    Christine Lemon Bay High School Math 6-12 2024-2025
    William Lemon Bay High School Physics 2024-2025
    Stephen Lemon Bay High School Computer Science 2024-2025
    Paul Lemon Bay High School Earth-Space Science 2024-2025
    Brenda Lemon Bay High School ESE 2024-2025
    Margaret Lemon Bay High School Earth-Space Science 2024-2025
    Stephen Lemon Bay High School Math 6-12, Science 2024-2025
    Thomas Lemon Bay High School English 2024-2025
    Keith Lemon Bay High School Biology 2024-2025
    Lenore Lemon Bay High School Reading, ESOL 2024-2025
    Helena Lemon Bay High School ESOL 2024-2025
    Sabrina Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Jennifer Liberty Elementary Elementary Ed, ESOL 2024-2025
    Jami Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Leonila Liberty Elementary Elementary Ed, ESOL 2024-2025
    Kimberly Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    April Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Ashleigh Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Thanin Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Samantha Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Tori Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Savannah Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Amanda Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    McKenna Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Bethany Liberty Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Hailey Meadow Park ESOL, Reading 2024-2025
    Kristin Meadow Park Music 2024-2025
    Stacy Meadow Park Reading 2024-2025
    Maria Meadow Park PreK/Primary 2024-2025
    Leah Meadow Park ESOL 2024-2025
    Shelli Meadow Park ESOL 2024-2025
    Denise Murdock Middle School English 2024-2025
    Lawrence Murdock Middle School ESE 2024-2025
    Diann Murdock Middle School ESOL 2024-2025
    Donald Murdock Middle School General Science  
    Allisyn Myakka River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Susan Myakka River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Michelle Myakka River Elementary ESE 2024-2025
    Michelle Myakka River Elementary Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Elizabeth Myakka River Elementary ESE, ESOL 2024-2025
    Blake Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Colin Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Shemel Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Abigail Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Venus Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Lanie Fe Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Jaimie Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Jessica Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Shannon Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Mharlyn Neil Armstrong Elementary Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Ashley Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Jeaneane Neil Armstrong Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Michael Neil Armstrong Elementary Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Jonas Neil Armstrong Elementary Elementary Ed, Reading 2024-2025
    Kathleen Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Adrian Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Susan Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Lindsay Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Gladis Peace River Elementary Elementary Ed, Reading 2024-2025
    Nicole Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Teagan Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Tyler Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Jaclyn Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Candice Peace River Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Janie Port Charlotte High ESOL, ESE 2024-2025
    Shane Port Charlotte High ESE 2024-2025
    Jarrett Port Charlotte High Physical Education, English, Science 2024-2025
    Amanda Port Charlotte High English 6-12 2024-2025
    Brian Port Charlotte High Business 2024-2025
    Gregory Port Charlotte High ESE, Chemistry 2024-2025
    Riley Port Charlotte High ESOL 2024-2025
    Nicole Port Charlotte High Math 6-12 2024-2025
    Alexandra Port Charlotte High Social Science, Math 2024-2025
    Jill Port Charlotte High ESE 2024-2025
    Christopher Port Charlotte High ESE 2024-2025
    Woodrow Port Charlotte High ASD endorsement/FIX COURSE CODE FOR 11052 2024-2025
    Sergio Port Charlotte High Reading 2024-2025
    Brianna Port Charlotte High Math 6-12 2024-2025
    Jacob Port Charlotte High Social Science 2024-2025
    Micah Port Charlotte High ESE 2024-2025
    Megan Port Charlotte Middle ESOL, Reading 2024-2025
    Marjolene Port Charlotte Middle Social Science 2024-2025
    Richard Port Charlotte Middle ESOL, English 2024-2025
    Wesley Port Charlotte Middle Biology or MG Earth-Space and MG Life Sci 2024-2025
    Stephen Port Charlotte Middle Math 2024-2025
    Nicolette Port Charlotte Middle English 2024-2025
    Christine Port Charlotte Middle Reading, ESOL, English 2024-2025
    Jana Port Charlotte Middle ESOL 2024-2025
    Kristina Port Charlotte Middle ESOL 2024-2025
    James Punta Gorda Middle ESOL 2024-2025
    Kizzy Punta Gorda Middle ESOL, English 2024-2025
    Tori-Parker Punta Gorda Middle Business Ed 2024-2025
    Haley Punta Gorda Middle MG Gen Sci or Earth-Space Sci 2024-2025
    Debbie Punta Gorda Middle ESE 2024-2025
    Lynn Punta Gorda Middle MG Gen Sci or Earth-Space Sci 2024-2025
    Naomi Punta Gorda Middle ESOL, English 2024-2025
    Mary Punta Gorda Middle Math 2024-2025
    Alexis Sallie Jones Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Myriam Sallie Jones Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Brittany Sallie Jones Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Kathryn Sallie Jones Elementary Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Maryann The Academy Biology, Earth-Space Science 2024-2025
    Emily The Academy Earth-Space Science, Social Science 2024-2025
    Christopher The Academy Social Science 2024-2025
    Amanda Vineland Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Emma Vineland Elementary ESOL, Reading 2024-2025
    Alissa Vineland Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Shanon Vineland Elementary ESOL, Elementary Ed 2024-2025
    Jason Vineland Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Teresa Vineland Elementary ESOL 2024-2025
    Lisa Vineland Elementary ESE, Elementary Ed 2024-2025
  • Last Name First Name School Subject(s) out of Field Year
    Bunlavanit Sheyna Charlotte Harbor PreK Disabilities 2024/25
    Colford Travis Charlotte Harbor Math 6-12 2024/25
    Corrado Patricia Charlotte Harbor Elementary Ed, Reading 2024/25
    Edwards Daniel Charlotte Harbor PreK Disabilities 2024/25
    Konold Eric Charlotte Harbor ESE, MG Math, MG English, MG Gen Sci, Social Science 2024/25
    Richard Kenneth Charlotte Harbor MG Math, MG English, MG Gen Sci 2024/25
    Stradley William Charlotte Harbor MG Math, MG English, MG Gen Sci 2024/25
    Trina Andrea Charlotte Harbor Math 6-12, Social Science 6-12 2024/25
    Bowman Barry Charlotte High School Math 6-12,English 6-12, Social Science, Biology 2024/25
    Cabana Christopher Charlotte High School ESE 2024/25
    Dill Michelle Charlotte High School Business Ed 2024/25
    Frohlich Andrea Charlotte High School ESOL 2024/25
    Gravino Gina Charlotte High School Biology 2024/25
    Herndon John Charlotte High School Commercial Art, Reading 2024/25
    Jones Heather Charlotte High School English 6-12 2024/25
    Nystrom Kristine Charlotte High School ESOL, English 6-12 2024/25
    Reams Lisa Charlotte High School ESE 2024/25
    Roselli Carl Charlotte High School Math 6-12 2024/25
    Schaeffer Malachi Charlotte High School Math 6-12 2024/25
    Stones Sarah Charlotte High School Reading 2024/25
    Strykowski Christopher Charlotte High School Reading 2024/25
    Tietsworth Bailey Charlotte High School ESOL 2024/25
    Brewer Kimberly Deep Creek ESOL 2024/25
    Hewitt Melanie Deep Creek ESE 2024/25
    Stern Leann Deep Creek ESE 2024/25
    Kerbs Briana Deep Creek ESOL 2024/25
    Nowicki Sarah Deep Creek ESOL 2024/25
    Porter William Deep Creek ESOL 2024/25
    Savage Shelby Deep Creek ESOL 2024/25
    Davison Feltner Tracy East Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Dixon-Kuhlmna Mary East Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Foreman Camille East Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Power Kemiesha East Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Walker Heather East Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Cameron-Williams Pauline Kingsway Elementary ESOL, Elementary Ed 2024/25
    Dagan Zachary Kingsway Elementary PreK Disabilities 2024/25
    Gambino Destiney Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Hernandez Nina Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Jones Olivia Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Luhcs Briana Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Martineau Marie Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Rotondella Nicole Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Rotz Kennerly Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Warner Martha Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Webster Nicolin Kingsway Elementary ESOL, Elementary Ed 2024/25
    Whyte Camille Kingsway Elementary ESOL 2024/25
    Bounds Carla LA Ainger ESE, MG Gen Science, Social Science MG English MG Math 2024/25
    Castrodes Arabelle LA Ainger Social Science 2024/25
    Cox Fawn LA Ainger Social Science 2024/25
    Dausy Shawntel LA Ainger Robotics VOC cert 2024/25
    Falkovitz Dawn LA Ainger Gifted Endorsement 2024/25
    Flores Cindy LA Ainger MG Math 2024/25
    Gilbert William LA Ainger MG Math 2024/25
    Harris Jennifer LA Ainger Business Ed 2024/25
    Hieber Clinton LA Ainger Gifted Endorsement 2024/25
    Lytle Mollie LA Ainger Business Ed 2024/25
    Wheeler Courtney LA Ainger Gifted Endorsement , Business Ed 2024/25
    Zdarko Joseph LA Ainger Gifted Endorsement 2024/25
    Manta-Ware Van LA Ainger ESOL 2024/25
    Selkirk Jamie LA Ainger ESOL 2024/25
    Daley Ashley Lemon Bay ESOL 2024/25
    Chacon Michelle Lemon Bay Math 6-12 2024/25
    Cooper Christine Lemon Bay Math 6-12 2024/25
    Coughlan William Lemon Bay Physics 2024/25
    Lavallee Brock Lemon Bay Social Science 2024/25
    McCarthy Paul Lemon Bay Earth-Space Science 2024/25
    Methlie Brenda Lemon Bay ESE 2024/25
    Reading Margaret Lemon Bay Earth-Space Science 2024/25
    Saponara Stephen Lemon Bay Math 6-12, Science 2024/25
    Washington Keith Lemon Bay Reading, ESE, Science 6-12 2024/25
    Sanchez Lenore Lemon Bay Reading, ESOL 2024/25
    Tracy Helena Lemon Bay ESOL 2024/25
    Fabris Sabrina Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Haught Jennifer Liberty PreK/Primary, ESOL 2024/25
    Lesek Jami Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Lyons Leonila Liberty Elementary Ed, ESOL 2024/25
    Marshall Kimberly Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    McLeod April Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Ratleff Samantha Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Robinson Tori Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Schreffler Savannah Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Spitalieri Amanda Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Waters Bethany Liberty ESOL 2024/25
    Archey Hailey Meadow Park ESOL 2024/25
    Calandra Kristin Meadow Park Music 2024/25
    Hite Maria Meadow Park PreK Disabilities PreK/Primary 2024/25
    Segee Leah Meadow Park ESOL 2024/25
    Tracy Shelli Meadow Park ESOL 2024/25
    Bell Denise Murdock Middle English 2024/25
    Rodriguez Diann Murdock Middle ESOL 2024/25
    Humphreys Susan Myakka River ESOL 2024/25
    Brady Michelle Myakka River ESE 2024/25
    Melfi Loran Myakka River ESOL 2024/25
    Shakan Elizabeth Myakka River ESOL, ESE 2024/25
    Alore Blake Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Becher Colin Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Brown Shemel Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Conde Abigail Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Familara Venus Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Galiza Lanie Fe Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Harney Jaimie Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Harney Jessica Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Kines Shannon Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Ashcroft Meghan Neil Armstrong ESE 2024/25
    Moore Ashley Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Peterson Jeaneane Neil Armstrong ESOL 2024/25
    Lewis Emily Neil Armstrong ESE 2024/25
    Linchangco Mharlyn Neil Armstrong Elementary Ed 2024/25
    Polk Michael Neil Armstrong Elementary Ed 2024/25
    Saluria Jonas Neil Armstrong Elementary Ed, Reading 2024/25
    Donnelly Kathleen Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Esterin Adrian Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Gabriel Susan Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Holmes Lindsay Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Peart Nicole Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Petro Tegan Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Petro Tyler Peace River ESOL, ESE 2024/25
    Poole Jaclyn Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Morales Gladis Peace River Elementary Ed 2024/25
    Rodgers Laura Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Solis Candice Peace River ESOL 2024/25
    Clark Janie Port Charlotte High ESOL. ESE 2024/25
    Goff Riley Port Charlotte High ESOL 2024/25
    Hixson Raymond Port Charlotte High ESOL 2024/25
    Cowen Shane Port Charlotte High ESE 2024/25
    Debus Jarret Port Charlotte High Biology, English 2024/25
    Decock Amanda Port Charlotte High English 6-12 2024/25
    Gant Gregory Port Charlotte High Chemistry 2024/25
    Hill Nicole Port Charlotte High Math 6-12 2024/25
    Hofstetter Alexandra Port Charlotte High Social Science,Math 2024/25
    McBee Jill Port Charlotte High ESE 2024/25
    Salovitz Tara Port Charlotte High Reading 2024/25
    Sankus Christopher Port Charlotte High ESE 2024/25
    Tejeda Sergio Port Charlotte High Reading 2024/25
    Valdes Jose port Charlotte High Reading 2024/25
    White Brianna Port Charlotte High Math 6-12 2024/25
    White Jacob Port Charlotte High Social Science, Math 6-12 2024/25
    Wiggins Micah Port Charlotte High ESE 2024/25
    Dean Megan Port Charlotte Middle ESOL 2024/25
    Fry Richard Port Charlotte Middle ESOL, English 2024/25
    Salmon Christine Port Charlotte Middle ESOL, Reading 2024/25
    Faustin Marjolene Port Charlotte Middle ESE 2024/25
    Marshall Wesley Port Charlotte Middle Biology or MG Earth-Space & MG Life Science 2024/25
    McKeith Stephen Port Charlotte Middle Math 6-12 2024/25
    McKermitt Nicolette Port Charlotte Middle English 6-12, ESOL 2024/25
    Thompson Molly Port Charlotte Middle ESOL, Reading, English 2024/25
    Tornabene Jana Port Charlotte Middle ESOL 2024/25
    Weston Kristina Port Charlotte Middle ESOL 2024/25
    Degaeta James Punta Gorda Middle ESOL 2024/25
    Ellis Kizzy Punta Gorda Middle ESOL, English 2024/25
    Gerrits Haley Punta Gorda Middle MG Gen Sci or Earth-Space Sci 2024/25
    Goss Debbie Punta Gorda Middle ESE 2024/25
    Mongiardini-Potts Lynn Punta Gorda Middle MG Gen Sci or Earth-Space Sci 2024/25
    Pavluchuk Brian Punta Gorda Middle MG Math 2024/25
    Toor Mary Punta Gorda Middle Math 2024/25
    Robertson Jacob Punta Gorda Middle Earth/Space Science 2024/25
    Davies Kelly Punta Gorda Middle ESOL, English 2024/25
    Laremont Myriam Sallie Jones ESOL 2024/25
    Lewis Brittany Sallie Jones ESOL 2024/25
    Kyser Maryann The Academy Biology, Earth-Space Science, Social Science 2024/25
    Summers Emily The Academy Earth-Space Science, Social Science 2024/25
    Vanvolkom Christopher The Academy Social Science 2024/25
    Meesig Jennifer The Academy English 6-12 2024/25
    Antuono Siraio The Academy Social Science, English 6-12 2024/25
    Davis Emma Vineland ESOL, Reading 2024/25
    Gilbert Alissa Vineland ESOL 2024/25
    Horsch Shanon Vineland ESOL 2024/25
    Hunter Jason Vineland ESOL 2024/25
    Boling Denese Vineland ESE 2024/25
    Whetstine Lisa Vineland ESE 2024/25
    Whitehouse Teresa Vineland ESOL 2024/25
    Benson Alexis Vineland ESOL 2024/25

Teacher Certification Plan